Stacey is a self taught artist who paints in acrylics, watercolours and oils.

Stacey has been selling her artwork for over 15 years. She ran her own gallery in Herefordshire; held a successful exhibition of first edition prints in Manchester; took part in a large exhibition at The Colston Hall in Bristol; sold watercolours touring Cornwall; and she designs hand-drawn and digital art, which you can find on among other platforms.

In her spare time she loves to make time-lapse videos of her paintings, which are set to the music that inspired her. 

Mountain Trail (2022)
A personal piece painted for her father during lockdown, as she couldn't see him on his birthday.

Charity Events

Alongside selling artwork, Stacey has also taken part in charity auctions. She was invited to auction a piece of artwork to help a young family raise money for a grave stone for their little boy, Logan, who left this world too soon. She painted 2 pieces for the auction named "Logan's Sea" and Logan's Wood", yet they never reached the auction, because the 2 sets of grandparents loved the pieces so much they asked if they could have one each. It goes without saying that Stacey was deeply touched by this, and she was more than happy to gift the pieces to the family.

The painting below "You are Never Alone", was painted for an art raffle, to raise money for Cancer Research. She was very happy to raise over £250, donations are still open.

Bristol Evening Post (Weekend Edition)

"...among the [Clifton Art] club's exceptional artists are Stacey Clarke, whose Norwegian Tree Cat can be seen in the exhibition and is pictured right.  She says: "I can't believe this is the clubs 107th annual exhibition!  I'm really pleased to be a part of it.  I wonder what club members of 1906 would think of my Norwegian Tree Cat.  Of course they would be overwhelmed as it's painted in acrylics, which didn't exist until around 1934, therefore they would be mesmerised by the painting pauper who could make oils dry in minutes.  I would either be famous, or tarnished as a witch, it could go either way for a woman back then!"

Social Media

Stacey was completely overwhelmed when the A-List Hollywood star of the silver screen, Russell Crowe, retweeted her Lion time-lapse painting to his 2.5million followers!

Simply click on the image to watch the full video on YouTube, but please be advised that there is a little swearing at the end.


Stacey was incredibly pleased that her artwork "If Corgis could Talk" appeared on Grayson Perry's Art Club, on Channel 4 (15/07/2022), for the Queen's Jubilee edition. 

The best way to contact Stacey is via Instagram

If you don't have an Instagram account, please use the contact form below.